a term used on the November 9, 2010 show, Conan. It is a reference to a sexual act. Conan O'Brien was asking the TBS censor assigned to his show if certain terms were appropriate, one in was "Tokyo Sandblaster"

There is a lot of speculation to what the term refers to exactly, but it's likely to deal with an Asian person (stemming from Tokyo) and sandblaster indicates the use of sand in a sexual manner.
Have you ever tried the old Tokyo Sandblaster?
by udx01z November 10, 2010
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A sexual act in which a wasabi enema is explosively released onto one or more partners, creating a shared burning sensation for the blaster and blastee(s).
Her acute coprophilia manifested in an intense sexual arousal resulting from receiving a tokyo sandblaster.

The best orgasm I've ever had was when he gave me a tokyo sandblaster.
by drozd November 16, 2010
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Mentioned recently on 'Conan' by host Conan O'Brian when talking to the tbs Standards and Practices Guy.
It was a tradition that started in a small fishing area in Tokyo, Japan 1590. The tradition started when a fishermen Tokugawa Mochitomo came home from being out at sea for days. Having not washed himself for periods up to 6 days he would have a build up of cheese under his foreskin. Tokugawa use to once on shore wet his penis and dip it in the sand, masturbate. This with the sand had an exfoliating effect known in Tokyo as 'Sandblasting'.
One day Tokugawa was preparing to sandblast himself (sand applied) as he'd just returned from sea but then his wife Izanagi came running down to the water front happy to see him. They chatted and one thing lead to another and they were about to fornicate on the beach. They both enjoyed anal sex regularly and Tokugawa started to insert his penis into Izanagi. About three strokes in Tokugawa realised he still had sand on his penis but it was too late and Izanagi didn't seem to mind but then Izanagi farted. This blew all the sand from Tokugawa Penis. Mr Mochitomo to his surprise said' Only in Tokyo' and this is where the term 'Tokyo Sandblaster' came from.
Judy, I need a Tokyo Sandblaster to freshen up. I was at a music festival for the last 3 days and I've got some build up.
by T-Bagging Billy November 11, 2010
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Made famous by Conan O'Brien on his second show on TBS. It is from parts unkown with no clear definition.
I'm exhausted, I gave this girl a tokyo sandblaster all night.
by biggie315 November 10, 2010
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When an Asian guy busts a projectile load all over an Middle Eastern woman.
See Above Tokyo Sandblaster!
by Hand-Banana November 15, 2010
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Tokyo Sandblaster - A scatological activity. When one person has diarrhea, they get close to their partner's face. Letting it rip effectively blasts the partner and causes them to squint, appearing to have Asian features. First heard on Conan O’Brien's show "Conan" ON TBS.
John really got turned off by the taste of the poo that trickled in his mouth from Jane giving him a Tokyo Sandblaster
by Maku664 November 11, 2010
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After the act of having sex on the beach the man will ejaculate all the semen and leftover sand from the beach sex onto his partners face...all the while screaming, Banzai!!!
We had sex on the beach, and I don't mean the drink and I gave her the ole Tokyo Sandblaster...
by new2u November 11, 2010
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