A bisexual man who doesnt only slide it in but automatically starts ramming it hard inside the man or woman very hard until possible bleeding if not bad bruising.
Girl: owww! owww! stop being a rectum rammer you are hurting me!
Man: I cant baby it feels so good! *WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM!!*
by Justin R. (XD) June 25, 2006
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A twenty-something male that enjoys digging up dead bodies, connecting the rectum to the penile canal by using a power drill, and then finally inserting a frog or toad into the anus and pushing it through the urethra using a blunt stick. The frog or toad is then released back into it's home body of water to share it's experiences.
I'm thinking of marrying this guy, but I think he might be a toad rammer. What should I do?
by RoastTurkey June 19, 2006
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one who rams an object or person with their hand
by Thaddeus buttshaft July 8, 2011
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Someone who is being forcefully manipulated in their asshole while yelling for there mammy "mommy" hence the term mammy rammer.
Mike: Hey Josh! What are doin.
Josh: Ah nothin just sittin here hangin out.
Mike: Hey did you hear what happened to Paul last night?!
Josh: No, whats up!?
Mike: I was walkin by this dark alley last night and I saw Paul bent over a dumpster handcuffed with a big black guy sticking a dildo up Paul's ass and Paul was screaming for his mommy.
Josh: What?!Man did he get the Mammy Rammer!
Mike: Yeah what a pussy!
by Team CnC September 26, 2007
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when a guy does nothing but grind on a girl, he is not going for it, but simply ramming her pantie's.

a guy that lacks the testicular fortitude to stick it in, do something crazy or ridiculous.
so sorry we didnt do anything after the dance last night, i had a sore dick from panty rammin' you.

dude so after we 86'ed that party there was a giant kegger by campus you remember? oh wait you dont cuz you were busy being a panty rammer.
by curtain cleaver December 24, 2010
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When you become too proud of yourself.
Guy: That man is such a banner rammer.
Guy 2: I know, if his head get's any bigger it'll explode.
by fishy90001 December 17, 2009
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