v. Complete and utter dominance in your field. Derived from the monstrosity that is Michael Phelps, record Olympic medalist from the USA.
"Man, I totally Phelpsed that exam."

"I was so into that girl, I Phelpsed her ass up."

"Roddy hit like 2 homeruns and a triple. He totally Phelpsed the game."
by John Hollick August 16, 2008
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When your sperm swims inside a woman.
"This bitch last night was so tight, I Phelpsed like 10 times"
by GO&PL August 19, 2008
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Knowingly and willfully smoking marijuana when better judgment tells you should do otherwise.
"Man, you're phelpsin' pretty hard right now, don't you have a test tomorrow?"
by Palmodamus February 13, 2009
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Let's get phelped tonight.

Can I get some phelp?
by An Dre February 3, 2009
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The male version of a butta face. Nice body ugly face ( see Micheal Phelps)
" He's got a great 6 pack, but from the neck up, he's kind of a Phelps. "
by fuzzelcat9386 May 30, 2009
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