Short for Propaganda, a nightclub/bar in the Wudaokou district of Beijing, China. Known for being frequented by raunchy, hormone-driven college students. Also frequented by Dartmouth College FSP students.
"I got one question, who's going to Props tonite?"
by HanFeiYi October 22, 2007
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1)Proper Recognition- respect from your fellow peers; Popularity.

2) Respect from a police constable or other law-abiding citizen.
I had ta pop a cop in the ass 'cos he wouldnt giv me mah props in Oaktown, y'all.
by Ranga McFip October 13, 2004
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Used for supports to Boobs to prop them up.Specially when they are loose and hanging down.
Hey she ain't got good tits.. Just Props
by ezrider March 8, 2005
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The nerdy version of 'giving' one respect for certain actions.

(The classic way is to not even mention this shitty term and just do the action)
Poseur #1 says: Yo dawg! That <action> was off tha hook! Props man!
by Fangster April 17, 2005
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It is short for propaganda. As if to say you'll give someone major advertisement because they're just that good.
Wow man, major props to you, you rock that man cologne. I'm going to tell the world for you.
by kylexy123456789 June 22, 2014
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Those girls were totally propping at the Velvet last weekend.
by Becca!!!!! August 30, 2008
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