Nikola is an elegant beautiful italian woman. She is a young woman with an old soul. She has been through many struggles but manages to keep a smile on her face. She is ahead of her time as well as musically inclined. Nikola has dark hair and green eyes. She is very confident, outspoken, sensitive, loyal, yet highly misunderstood. Nikola is the type of lady all the man lust over and many females hate on. Theres something about her unlike no other.
shawty look like a nikola.
she walked in the room and had all eyes on her like nikola.
by nikolakoleone March 29, 2010
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Usually has no friend and doesn't fit in with the crowd. Actually a NIKOLA is an outsider and doesn't really like HUMANS IN GENERAL!!
by DANTE the urban January 5, 2017
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''Wow do you see that guy sucking dick over there?''

''Yeah, he must be a Nikola''
by gay_6969 January 14, 2020
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Uses simp to much and she/he is fake.
by Lasse feldborg May 30, 2020
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Has no pinky Knuckles and can not do math.
Did you hear she has no pinky knuckles? She’s such a nikola
by Niklas+Nathan February 8, 2019
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This guy is such a Nikola. That`s probably why he sucks at muscle-ups.
by BloodyLegend69 April 17, 2019
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Nikola is your typical gay friend. Every Nikola is gay, and mostly the ones from Serbia. They like to think they are straight but deep down.. you know he is gay. He may seem transphobic or homophobic.. but thats just a defense mechanism because he doesn't want people to know he is gay.
Example: Whats up Nikola = Whats up gayboy.
Being a Nikola is basically wanted to get out of the closet.
by Molly Zivkovic December 14, 2021
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