kenny is the best friend of (eric)cartman kyle and stan he is often teased for being poor and trailer trash he wears this weird jacket thing that covers his mouth and makes it hard to understand what hes saying. He doesnt die in every episode like the idiot says but he has died many times. Hes on the show south park. Little known fact he has blonde hair.
mrph hmmm mhhhh mpphph phpd mamppphh would be something kenny would say
by hagdskld November 12, 2006
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A younger man with a large sized penis usally mixed hispanic and african american. He is a ladys man , but if you have him to say your his your guarnted to have life long dick thats going to be loyal.
Kenny rocked my world last night probrobly the biggest dick ive ever taken times 2.
by Kingbeef717 June 14, 2015
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The guy who always dies in South Park.
Stan: "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!"
Kyle: "You bastards!"
by InkDictionary October 27, 2018
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A really mean dude that just go off on anybody or anyone
Have you seen kenny yet?
“kenny came in the room”
Kenny: Wassup stupid little bitch
by A asian dude January 19, 2022
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"Am I circumsized? No way! I've still got my Kenny."
by Jaina September 4, 2005
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to be ditched; disappearing without warning
she was totally Kennied
that boy totally kennied her
by Brianardo January 12, 2007
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