The most outgoing person you'll ever meet. Leaves a great first impression, but a horrible 8th impression. He is a straight playa.
Michelle: When I first met Keegan he was very outgoing, but as I continued getting to know him I realized he was a schmuck.
Lauren: That's too bad...
Alyson: Yeah I thought he was cute!
Michelle: Nah man don't waste your time. I already have. (sad face)
by slitheringsnake11 May 28, 2015
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Keegan is a cute guy, but unfortunately he eats butt. 😂 GROSS ASS MOTHERFUCKER
by notolivia February 17, 2018
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Keegan is a menace to society. He is this dumb blond, thinks the world revolves around him and never gets anyone's jokes. No one actually likes him but he thinks they do. He goes after girl's and they hate him. Everyone thinks he's stupid.
Ew, it's Keegan
by abzor January 5, 2019
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Even though he deep throats corn dogs he is still a funny guy.
My guy Keegan is busy deep throating a corn dog while playing GTA online.
by IPIMpedyourmom March 10, 2021
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a super awesome GIRL

hella sexy
uber funny
all around great
"Let's go hang with Keegan tonight, shes the shit"
by emoemo123 November 4, 2009
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A keegan tries extremely hard to include to impress people, completely clueless that everyone hates them.
Person 1: "Hey, should I get that popular kid a birthday present?"
Person 2: "Why? He hates you"
Person 1: "No way, we're so tight"
Person 2: "Don't be such a keegan"
by Bananajump76 June 2, 2013
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Stupid,thinks he’s funny, plays ROBLOX till his fingers are numb, likes Courtney, only eats ramen noodles that expired 10 years ago
1. Keegan smells like moldy cheese
2.Keegan has no friends
3.Keegan is spoiled
by EWWWWKOWAY January 13, 2018
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