A girl who believes that the thug life chose her and tries to look thug. She chose the thug life, the thug life didn't choose her.
Joyce: Yo, I'm going to pose thug for my picture.
Devin: No, sorry. You look too cute to be thug.
by WannabeThugLifeBuddies April 9, 2013
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She is a very good person. She is nice, and smart.

She can also be kinda gay.
by Mr. Bing Bong September 22, 2019
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joyce is a VERYYY nice person but if you get on her bad side she will go off!!!! she plays granny.
by daytt April 3, 2018
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Some girl
She's a Joyce!
by adslfkjd March 23, 2013
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the act of getting with every boy within a one hundred metre radius
If Jo keeps joycing at this rate she will get with every boy in the country by the end of the year!
by Chicken Nuggget August 7, 2011
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Verb: To carry out a task with hilarious and/or disastrous results.
Timmy pulled a Joyce when he went to his exams without any pens, then finding out he had no exams to begin with.

Michael Joyced up when he relieved his bowels in the department store display toilets, only then to make it worse by telling the manager that he had broken said toilet as it would no longer flush.
by SneakyHorse January 15, 2012
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