A Dirty Janie is a hott chick that enjoys holding hands, getting back rubs, paranormal shows & kinky car sex. She’s cool with being a friend with benefits as long as you keep in touch with her. If you use a Dirty Janie as a booty call she will be done with you.
That Dirty Janie rode me like a professional cowgirl last night in the front seat of my car!
by Sunny gurl May 18, 2019
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Born in Port Authur Texas, Janis was somewhat of a reject in her home town. She was however, the greatest female rocker to walk the face of the Earth. She had her own sound, look and personality. No one could ever touch her. Janis, you are the reason I surrvived the 8th grade.
Jesse: Andrew, have you seen Jenny?
Andrew: Yeah, she's listening to Janis Joplin.
Jesse: Joplin sux.
Jenny: *Beats the living crap out of Jesse* She's the greatest you ninny!!!
by Darth_`Eowyn November 1, 2006
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an exclamation of surprise, can also be used in frustration

commonly used in Ireland

M: i drank 10 pints last night, slept with the neighbor, and upon realizing i had left my keys on her bed stand i put my head through the glass back garden door to get inside

(bear rides by on unicycle)
J: JANIE MAC! there are no bears in Ireland?!
by ribarry August 23, 2008
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Falling uncontrollably in a contentious cycle
Ashley:did you see that loser fall in the hall this morning
Taylor:yeah,she was totally pulling a janie
by Angel the right angle June 1, 2019
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Janie Munter

The biggest bitch and hoe. She will always use you for money and then cheat on you with a fag.
by Hello97531 April 24, 2020
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THe best fucking female rock singer every!!
She had her own special style and a kick ass voice....nobody can be like Janis....SHES AWESOME

me: (hands her "Cheap Thrills") here dude this will help

person: KICK ASS MAN!
by momoneymomoneymomoney March 30, 2005
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janis joplin is the most hard rockin' female to ever live and if she was still alive i'd have sex with her any day.
im not sure what to put up for an example of janis joplin so yeah.
by my name is ? September 17, 2006
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