An obese person of planetary magnitudes. Like they give the sun a run for it’s money with how fat they are
My pal is one massive fat fuck like holy shit Donald your a fat fuck and nee to lose some weight
by That Guy From The Ranch April 16, 2023
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a rather large man/woman that is having sex with another very large person; a disturbing creeper that stalks large men that is also quite large and also male.
Did you see that fat fuck? He's been following us all morning!

Did you and Henry fat fuck last night?
by largemanwhale April 23, 2009
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two fat ass fucks who think they can wrestle, their names are tyler and trae.

2. the act of ones weight exceeding 1200 pounds/ measuring 8.3 or higher one the rictor scale with every step.

3.excessive eating- due to cream filling to the face syndrome.
geologist: oh crap we have another earth quake!!!!
Scientist: false alarm, we just have some fat fucks walking around sucking on twinkies
Geologist: stupid fucking fat fucks.
by Radio james January 19, 2008
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