"Fancy Twat Water."

The 'water' that comes from a girl, mostly known as vaginal lubrication. The production increases significantly during sexual arousal.

Commonly mistaken for "Finger That Whore." or "Follow the Waterfall."

Originated from Doug Loves Movies ep786
Doug: "I would love me some ftw right now."
by Iammchriss August 17, 2014
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It originated in the 70s as a jailhouse tattoo and became known to bikers and other guys who will kick your ass if you say it means anything different. 30 years later, some gayass cyberkiddies redefined, but if you have an ounce of class, you'll ignore the cyberfags.
CYBERFAG: "Pokemon ftw!! omg lolz!!!111"

BIKER: If you don't shut up, I'm going to stick a knife in your anus and twist.


CYBERFAG: *sob* you tolz me to shut the fuck up?

UBER-CYBERFAG: No fag! "stfu" means "strawberries taste flowery upsidedown"
by blisterbunny May 5, 2010
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commonly referred internet acronym meaning 'fuck the world'
I smoke weed before going to school. Ftw.
by Seth Manley May 20, 2007
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1)Fuck the what?

3)For the win! = is the best, is good, is cool etc
Jack: Ok, I have the toast, what do I do now?
/b/: fuck toast!
Jack: ftw?
/b/: gtfo n00b

Jack: 'Kay I have the crumpets- now what?
Bill: Crumpets suck....Pancakes ftw!
Jack: >.< they were all out of them at the store.
Bill: Oh ok... Can I have a crumpet please?
Jack: No ^^
by Anonymous260 April 14, 2008
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Harry is wrong. FTW means Fuck the World commonly used on the internetz.
by elliottsmith5575 April 28, 2010
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Man, this city sucks. I expected a VIP table, indoor pool, and a couple of strippers. FTW!
by Overstored Milk July 4, 2014
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