A fantastic girl and one of the best out there. She is beautiful, outgoing, energetic and completely breathtaking. When Elizabeth is in the room you tend to forget about everyone else and just want to be with her; and when you are looking into her eyes you will get the sensation that you are falling. She makes you feel like you are both invincible and highly vulnerable at the same time
guy 1: "hey I'm dating Elizabeth!"

guy 2: "No way she's awesome man congrats."

Guy 1: "I know! I don't know how I got so lucky."
by Mashley12 August 30, 2010
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The most awesome, random, best frend ever!!!!! (yes i spelled that wrong on purpose)
Elizabeth is.... AWESOME PERSON!
by RedPaintRedRose December 6, 2010
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The nicest and funniest girl you'll ever meet ! You may make fun of her height but she can whoop you in 1 2 3 ! Little but she got a bubble butt ;) Makes people laugh all the time and is crazy at times . Everybody loves to be around Elizabeth. Boys go crazy over her but there never the ones .
Damn , did you see Elizabeth today?
by LettingTheTruthOut December 30, 2015
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Very sexy, sweet, and innocent. Cares for others and is always there for "me". Through the hard times and the good, she is always there. The one that I want to be with really bad and do not know when I will grow the balls to ask this gorgeous angel from heaven out
I want a girl like Elizabeth
by rockfreak March 31, 2009
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-Has been in the top 30 girls names for over 100 years

-Derived from the Greek form of the Hebrew name Elisheva. The name of Aaron's wife in the Old Testament and the mother of John the Baptist in the New Testament. Influenced by the long and successful rein of Queen Elizabeth I, which resulted in numerous variations. Also a literary name for one of the principal characters in Jane Austen's novel, "Pride and Prejudice."

-Queen Elizabeth II Elizabeth Taylor (actress) Elizabeth Barrett Browning (poet) Elizabeth Hurley (actress)
Are some famous Elizabeth's.

-Hebrew for, My God is my Oath
Mr. Bingley: But her sister Elizabeth is very agreeable.

Mr. Darcy: Barely tolerable, I dare say. But not handsome enough to tempt me. You'd better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles. You're wasting your time with me.

Charlotte Lucas: Count your blessings Lizzie. If he liked you, you'd have to talk to him.

Elizabeth Bennet: Precisely. As it is I wouldn't dance with him for all of Darbyshire, let alone the miserable half
by Emery3842 July 11, 2008
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A sweet and kind, insecure girl. You'll tell her she is beautiful but she won't believe you. Elizabeth is an amazing person. If she likes you, you are a very lucky guy and should take the opportunity while you still can. She will care for and do anything for the guy she likes. Don't take her for granted. Elizabeth like hispanic guys and is usually hispanic as well. Sometimes when she is nervous she will shake and not think properly. You might think she has "blonde moments" but it's just her when she is nervous. Elizabeth is adorable and once she falls for you she can't get back up no mater how hard she tries.
Guy 1- Hey dude, Elizabeth totally likes you, she gets so nervous around you.

Guy2- I don't know, maybe me and her should just stay friends.
Guy1- That's a stupud thing to say. You NEED to date her!!
by heythere72 September 4, 2013
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Elizabeth is either goth/emo or into unicorns and butterflies, with no between. She is reserved, but if you get to know her, she opens up little by little. Elizabeth is a pretty girl who is smart and caring, but she beats herself up about it. If you ever meet an Elizabeth, you've found the right friend. Because in your darkest days, they've been through that and got your back. Elizabeth is an amazingly sweet girl.
Elizabeth: OMG, are you okay??!!
Me: I'm just down today... ;/
Elizabeth: It's alright, I get you. Let's go get ice cream and pizza.
by x.cookie.x February 7, 2015
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