1 definition by heythere72

A sweet and kind, insecure girl. You'll tell her she is beautiful but she won't believe you. Elizabeth is an amazing person. If she likes you, you are a very lucky guy and should take the opportunity while you still can. She will care for and do anything for the guy she likes. Don't take her for granted. Elizabeth like hispanic guys and is usually hispanic as well. Sometimes when she is nervous she will shake and not think properly. You might think she has "blonde moments" but it's just her when she is nervous. Elizabeth is adorable and once she falls for you she can't get back up no mater how hard she tries.
Guy 1- Hey dude, Elizabeth totally likes you, she gets so nervous around you.

Guy2- I don't know, maybe me and her should just stay friends.
Guy1- That's a stupud thing to say. You NEED to date her!!
by heythere72 September 4, 2013
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