Most likely one of the most sexiest men alive. A man with a perfect body, tight-juicy butt, an amazing personality, and who girls 12-47 will lust over.
Girl #1: Have you seen Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man?
Girl #2: Yah, he is fuckable.
by angelina54566533gg October 11, 2008
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That one friend who everyone calls her STD for short. Not because she has many but because her initials are STD.
STD Sam not short Sam. Why don't you say Samantha Taylor Downey ? Why not Jessica .
by BerryScaryMonster December 15, 2019
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The sexiest motherfucking old man in the entire world. Robert Downey Jr. is the shit!
I have nothing to put here. Seriously. Isn't Robert Downey Jr. a hottie?
by Steve Rogers (for the lulz) April 29, 2013
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1. Synonyme for Tony Stark

2. the process of aging fine like wine

3. A famous dancer who’s known for his special dance moves.
1. Hey look, did you see the new movie with Robert Downey Jr? -Oh you mean the Iron Man movie? Yeah Robert Downey Jr saved the world once again.

2. He’s 54 and still hot? Damn he must be a Robert Downey Jr.

3. Oh damn those moves, did you lean them from Robert Downey Jr?
by rdjaddict October 19, 2019
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Actually just Tony Stark.
There is no difference. At all.
At what point does an act become so good it becomes reality?

Idk, you should ask Robert Downey Jr.
See, the truth is, I am Iron man.
by lizzieacid July 30, 2018
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A kid that works for his shit that may play with girls feelings but he no fuck with middle schoolers and takes to many pics of his truck that knows how to party and get in “high schoolers pants”
That kid over there with Curley hair is such a kole Downey
by Fivecar Dalmatian May 17, 2019
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