daddy donald, our racist ass cheeto puff. a white supremacist who doesn’t know anything about politics or how to run a country. :)
daddy donald trump did it again
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bald orange dude who lost 2020 election and is salty over it
hi im donald trump
-shoots head-
by Binod November 6, 2020
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A retired comedian who had the part in fast and furious and got his wife in legas
Donald trump can't spell his name
by REBELONION September 16, 2019
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donald trump means a fat fucking piece of shit man who can’t seem to tell we all want him gone he also had a small penis very small to thr point where he prob couldn’t shoot cum
Donald trump and biden are star cross lovers
by fuckamericaandtrumo October 9, 2020
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1. A former real estate mogul and TV personality who, through a campaign based on ethno-nationalism and anti-establishmentarianism, somehow managed to become the 45th President of the United States of America.

2. An old, narcissistic ignoramus.
You only ever think about yourself. You're such a Donald Trump!
by gdex November 8, 2017
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