Denny is the name of a guy, who is very caring and loves to make his friends and family happy. He likes to attend concerts or raves with his fellow PLURfamily. He is said to be a very people person. He has pros and cons, but his biggest flaw is letting everyone take advantage of him.
Denny are you going to any raves?

Denny, you are such a class clown.

Can I drive your car, Denny?
by Mickey Moose123 August 15, 2011
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one of the sweetest boys you could ever meet.someone who is perfect in every way.
i dont know how to describe how amazing he is..hes just so dennis
by babygirl94 July 4, 2009
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The invisible duck that follows people around spontaneously making quacks that miraculously sound like farts.
.....fart.... "Hey did you hear Dennis? Where is that little bugger?"
by idonteatenoughpies December 3, 2013
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1. n; the onomatopoeic sound effect of bouncing boobs.
2. v; the act of boobs (or the owner of said boobs) creating this sound by bouncing.
1. i could recognize that dennis a mile away
2. so jenna jameson comes dennising up to me, right?..
by pais October 6, 2006
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A person that is extremely smart and imaginative. He is nice overall, at least that's what people think. He actually has no feelings at all! Scientists have a theory that a Dennis is cold blooded
by WhosThis??? July 27, 2017
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If someone is swearing alot in a conversation they should be temporarily named Dennis. The words fuck, fucking or fucked are the most commonly used by Dennises.
Person 1, I've just fucking broke down in my fucking car for fuck sake it's completely fucked.

Person 2, alright Dennis
by THE GPC July 11, 2016
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