Derived from Charlie Browns repetitive missing of the football.
One that asks a girl out more than twice but gets rejected each time.
1:Did you hear about Dave?
2: Yeah, he asked out Rachel for like the fifth time.
1: Well he totally Charlie Browned it!
by Alec H. February 15, 2008
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a male's penis after he loses an erection.
Kiesha doesn't want to have phone sex with todd, therefore todd has a charlie brown.
by dejanay February 27, 2008
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The act of being a cock block hence the initials C.B. It is also a dance move in where a person puts hands behind the back and loooks up and down.
Blaze: Is westak being a Charlie brown again
Jipster: No he cant be
KGNYC: Ur right he justs like to dance the Charlie Brown
by Kevin Achllieus March 17, 2007
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A state in which nothing seems to be going right.
"What's wrong with Robin today?"
"She's just having a bad case of the Charlie Browns."
by Matty G. November 21, 2007
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someone who is gay, a gay person, homosexual
stop being so charlie brown
by algebraic March 19, 2008
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Charlie Brown = Bad Cocaine. This could be either because it gives a bad experience, is contaminated, or just not very good. Often abbreviated to CB.
"don't get the coke from him though, he charlie browned us last time" dont use him as a dealer, he gave us awful cocaine last time

"it was like totally charlie brown" it was really bad cocaine

"I'm blatantly gonna pass him CB, he's totally oblivious" I'm gonna sell him bad cocaine because he has no idea what to expect
by Emily Fay January 30, 2007
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