Something u get at Wong's chinese hand laundry
I washed me close at Wong's and I got the Hong Cong Dong.

Its great!!!
by blackwaterray April 28, 2012
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A considerate, beautiful person who will give all he/she has during a relationship, but also a hesitated person who has difficulty to choose from multiple options.
Look, he is Cong. I want to be his girlfriend
by GloryLampard November 23, 2021
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Why you doing a cong????
by Wipnick August 25, 2020
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Love being blindfolded in bed and while doing his card tricks. Always take others' opinions personally. To Tuan, he is the best.
Have you seen Truong Cong Tuan on Bo Ho? Yeah, he sucks!
by Truong Cong Tuan November 24, 2021
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Verb, Cong
1 - Violently assault another individual with a Conger Eel (or another object in some rare cases) by swinging it at them with lethal force, usually towards the head. This word is emphasized if the Eel in question is known to be particularly large or long.

Verb, Congle
1 - The process by which Eels breathe. Since most Anguilliformes lack gill covers, they manually pump oxygen to their gills by opening and closing their mouth repeatedly. When congling, the necks of Moray Eels will appear bloated, which a select few find comedic. In some cases, other fish congle in the same way that eels do.
"I knew he was going to CONG me when, glaring, he pulled a massive eel out of the lake."
"Shortly after the raiding of freshwater aquariums, reports of conging emerged throughout the nation."

"The Green Moray immediately stopped playfully congling and gave a dead stare that pierced his soul."
"During the road trip, she was dared to congle. However, she took it too far and jumped out the window into the sea."

"'Cong / Congle' is a phrase that arose when the two words were confused, and it means either one. Revolting."
"The Eel congled until it was interrupted by an audacious boy looking to cong his rival."
by YaBoiHommerz-842 September 7, 2022
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someone with a large forehead on the body of a rectangle,

commonly found on the 9gag website.
Stop being such a cong can (conc), you need to exercise!
by cong can vu May 22, 2017
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