Brody is a very king person always there and always caring. Whenever u need help just call a Brody to help u, Brody is a very cute person, even the name is cute “Brody” I have myself a Brody and if you do too keep him forever and ever. He will make your world better then ever just just the word I love you
Hey Brody! I’m having a hard time would you mind making me feel better? Brody: sure. I love you!! Other person: wow your literally a dream come true😍
by WhyDontWeCB March 28, 2018
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A sexy person that attracts women
"Is that Brody?
"Ya. He's sexy
by Shishkaboba January 23, 2017
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Brody is a massive guy that always leads the group and can be selfish. But he always makes you laugh and can be a good friend. He is always popular with anyone he meets and always has a little mug by his side that will get him through anything. But brody treats him likes shit. He will find any excuse to fight someone as well
Brody is cool
Brody I love you
by Kaylem the killlllaas October 26, 2018
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an amazing guy that everybody loves but he breaks alot of hearts and makes ppl mad ALOT he can get a girl to do anythingg and everything he just has those eyes that makes you fall forr himm.He is a sexy beast and he is really funny he is a player but for some reason all the girls want to be with him!!He can get almost any girl that he wants.Brody can be a GREAT guyy and sometimes he cant!! (:
"Damn look at Brody over there looking sexy as always!"
"Yeah i know he can be a jerk sometimes though!"
by 123456YeslekT May 3, 2009
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Brody is the most handsome and most athletic person only the daring girls will go talk to him
Brody is so hot
by Howie mandell October 24, 2019
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by Rekcuf March 10, 2016
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