the worst place ever in your life where you over think and just fell like every one you care for is leaving you when there really not when you fell like every thing is going wrong when its really not you it makes you crazy and sad and makes you want to cry for hours and hours makes you nerves at times you should not be but at the end of the day you just hate your self
why dose every one hate me- your anxiety talking 😢
why is the world against me -your anxiety talking
by February 11, 2019
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The video of Tyler and Josh dangling their phones from high places and between drain holes, bridges, and lifts.
by Blurryaddictwithaface July 1, 2017
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When you are so into someone that you start panicking about the possibility of being separated from them in the near future. Often occurs on Sunday nights after spending an awesome weekend together. May cause fitfull sleep. Valid for both romances and bro/bramances.
Conductor: "Next stop is 14th St. Union Square"

Quick, kiss me inappropriately. I'm having separation anxiety-anxiety (SAA) about the fact that your stop is coming up.
by Mellencamp August 14, 2009
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A sentence commonly used by a twitch streamer called Pointcrow, in which he refers to the anxiety of wanting to collect everything possible. It was first used in his first YouTube video and in one of his early twitch streams, it is now used to playfully ridicule him in stream chat or comments.
Hey guys, PointCrow here. Do you ever get collector's anxiety?”
by alumpypumpkin July 2, 2020
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horrible condition where a overwhelmingly fear occurs in social settings. Self consciousness and fear arise when situations like speaking in public and being the center of attention is present. The person automatically thinks that everyone is looking, judging, or humilating him or her. People with are a little weird but NOT FREAKS; Im a cool dude.

The horrible thing is that this condition is known by few, the cause is unknown, and sever symptoms such as a increasing heart rate, muscle twitches, sweating, and feeling warm.

People who dont know it will never understand it, and unfortunately I am one of the 13% of the population that have it and what makes it even more fucked up is that Im in school where it really fucks me up. Its fuckin sad and nothin to laugh or fuck around wit. People with this are loners too. On a good note, I dont have it severly where people stay in their home for years but people will never understand it.
teacher: Today we'll have an oral presentation, each 40 minutes

me: FUCK!
by TruRapFan January 28, 2005
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The feeling of waiting for a product you ordered from the internet to arrive.
Phillip, "Yo dude, I ordered some sneakers last week and I've been looking outside my window for the UPS truck the last few days. What if it got lost? What if I got scammed? What if they already dropped it off while I was gone and some thief saw the package in front of my door and stole it?"

Alex, "Bro, calm down. You just got a mad case of Shipping Anxiety."
by pipskix August 23, 2010
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Serious pressure induced by considerable confusion about what to give to whom; with whom to spend your Xmas day; and all accompanied by cornishly unchanging Xmass music and the perennial lighting works.
Sara's Xmass anxiety lasts at least two weeks every year. Xmas anxietyangst
by Zembayyeh December 15, 2009
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