i love you alina. You are the best omg💞

your bsf a<3
by meilospovs March 21, 2022
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if you find yourself and Alina become friends with her as fast as you can. She is one of the closest friends you would ever have. She is there for you when your feeling blue or just need a simple pick me up. She is one of the most real people and would always tell it to you if you did something wrong. She knows what her boundaries are and knows when something makes you uncomfortable. She knows her own feelings and isn't scared to speak on them. However when it comes to things that are confrontational she gets shy. Not that this is a bad thing but she won't speak on her feelings if she deems what she is saying negative or mean. She depends on others in situations like these, she would make you speak what she wants to say. And it often when she makes u say things for her it leads to a good laugh. Making your bond even stronger.
by aaknpr June 5, 2021
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A girl who seems to have it all. Really she's upset, and can only tell her 3 best friends how she feels. She cries every night, and never seems to get the guy she likes. She is also very clumsy, and can trip over nothing. Friends with almost everyone, and can be mean if she wants to be. Like photoshopping, acting, singing, and writing. Attracts many "stalkers." Goes on facebook and myspace everyday.
"Dude, I feel bad... That girl is such an Alina. I can tell from her eyes."
by gossip_insider_eyes_on_you November 24, 2008
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It means vodka. The kind you pour down an ass crack and make your lover lick off.
"Lick that Alina right off my ass baby."

"GreyGoose? Naaaw Ill have some Alina."
by Femme Boss May 15, 2006
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An Alina can vary in behavioral issues. If you have a stern looking one she's probably got anger issues. If you've got a nice looking one, she's got anger issues but manages to hide it. If you got an angry looking Alina, R-U-N!!
Look at Alina. She looks nice!
by ricebeanscats November 15, 2017
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a young female, usually of russian or polish origin. spends most of her time drinking vodka/whisky or smoking weed can be seen as a good time girl but when she is sober she is very sweet and hot. she is mysterious and only has a few close friends but she loves drawing and is very clumsy but no one rally knows her because she is always drunk. she is sad sometimes.
look! it's alina, lets go get high ;)
but i heard she has feelings?
naaah, its just alina!
by sexypolishalina April 19, 2011
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Alina is the most kindhearted and sweet girl ever. Always looks stunning and cute. If you ever have one or are friends with one irl then you have to be the luckiest person ever. She isn’t always the most popular girl but always finds a way to make people smile and laugh. She is the smartest girl ever, and really is great at the arts. Once you notice her there is no going back as you’ll be entranced by her amazing-ness.
Guy1: dude you’re so lucky to be dating Alina
Guy2: not anymore I broke up with her
Guy1:What?! You messed up so much
by A_Tiny_Flying_Turkey June 4, 2019
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