A guy with a really sweet personality. He is always there for you. He always has your back, and he has a sexy butt. He will comfort you when you need it. Likes hard sex, but can be gentle.
"How dod Aidan react when your grandma died?"

"He comforted me. Then we went to bed if u kno what I mean."
by Actress_gurl April 6, 2015
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Can be a boy or a girl, usually irish. Pale, but despite this Aidan's are crazy sexy. If a guy, very athletic and charming. If a girl, very smart, sassy, and sarcastic.
I don't care how pale he/she is, Aidan is one sexy mother fucker.
by aidswhitty November 20, 2014
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A very very sexy guy who gets all the girls and doesn't give a fuck about what you say. If you piss him off he will come and bang you because he is a beast and will not tolerate shit. Anyone who fucks him over gets absolutely annihilated from his powerful fists
Person1: Oh i wish i could be that sexy tank over there.. he looks very sexy
Person 2: Oh me too he is very sexy

Person 3: His name is Aidan
by Aidan The Tank November 27, 2018
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Aidan is a person who will change your life for the better. He is always there for you no matter what and never fails to make you feel special. Aidan is normally very tall, VERY tall and is also super talented. He is normally very musical and an overall hotty. He never fails to make you smile and is so funny. Aidan is the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for and any girl would be lucky to be with him. Aidan can sometimes get self conscious and anxious but he always gets back up from his defeats and doesn’t let the haters bother him. He is a king.
Girl 1: I heard you and Aidan are dating?
Girl 2: Yeah I am so lucky to be with such an amazing guy
by genevieve527 July 23, 2020
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That one friend who laughs like a dying hyena and hairy like harambe the gorilla. This type of person is overflowing with testosterone and needs to fuck regularly to maintain existence. Aidan never does his homework but is always somehow better than you no matter what he does. Aidan usually likes the type of girls that are in relationships as his nickname states “mrstealyogirl
Damn that Aidan is a scholar
by Aidan yourdickin? March 16, 2019
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