any man who willingly gets semi-naked and wrestles with other sweaty men.
It's really creepy how Leonidas keeps asking me to wrestle with him at the beach.
by sweatymanwrestlerleonidas February 2, 2011
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To make the grabbing position with your hands (fingers sticking out) and sensually rub some object, body part, etc...
I want to creepy my girlfriends breast.
by Andy The Enforcer March 3, 2007
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The lady sitting next to me that doesn't know how to use a computer. She keeps ending up at the DOS prompt somehow and saying "thats messed up" "why me" "peice of shit"
people that talk to themselves fucking creep me out
by mad at the world March 24, 2003
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obsessed in a St Louis Cardinal fan kinda way
Those cards fans sure are creepy!
by Pater July 8, 2003
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Name given to an individual from any mid-western farming (usu. South Dakota) state. To qualify for this name the person must spew forth various nonsensical data. This person will always try and one up your story by saying that his/her father did the same thing, only bigger and better.

Person must have an affinity for Rum (normally Captain and Coke), knives, and sneaking up behind you and saying "HEYYYYYY".

You: "I am building a house in a nice town."
Creepy: "Yeah, well, my dad, in South Dakota, built a 4000 sqft house out of toothpicks, with his bare hands."

Creepy: "Hey guess what. I could stab you 37 times and you wouldn't know it."
by MrTits & Co. July 26, 2006
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"i chain up little boys in my basement and milk them for a profit."
"oh, camille. you're creepy"
by mmm...arm October 2, 2006
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