the text that (sometimes) appears when you hover over an image on a website, usually just briefly describing the image that you are looking at.
Person 1: *hovers over a random image- hey! I see text there! Wonder what it's called...
Person 2: it's called alt text you idiot
Person 1: really? *looks for alt text for 2000000000000 other images
Person 2: *sighs- really?
by cyanbutneon September 4, 2023
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A girl who is hot, but in either an edgy or alternative way different than the mainstream / typically basic hot girl.
"Did you see the girl Miranda's cool tattoos?"

"Yeah dude, she was a total alt-honey"
by Spaceboy4u November 30, 2018
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Ctrl+Alt+Delete is a keyboard shortcut for most computers.

Ctrl+Alt+Delete can also be used in a joking matter for someone who forgot a memory.
They Ctrl+Alt+Deleted there memory from the past month!
by SloppyWasTaken January 21, 2020
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A combination of dark styles specifically goth punk and emo, or more. Only can be used when reffering to styles what are in between the genres stated.
Im not really punk emo or goth, im hybrid alt
by Sparr0w< November 11, 2020
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(1) When you comprehend the Peak method of something, others don't yet.
(Such as friendship or an inter-dimentional/time-related theory).

(2) A person who encampuses a strong body, is religious, open-minded. Probably knowledgeable to the point they confuse others, and ENJOYS intellectual debates. They can just about enter any conversation, but can't stand trans-people, nor furries!
(1) I have Sub Alt this matter.
(2) The Sub Alt way of going about it.

(1) He is probably a Sub Alt.
(2) They probably won't befriend me, because I'm too much of a Sub Alt!
by Unmute observer October 2, 2018
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A selfless person, a person who gives their all and wants the best for the people they love. A person with a priceless value.
I hope I’m an Alted.
by neon.tokio February 4, 2022
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When somebody creates and uses alternative (alt) accounts to rig a vote in their favour or to have more members in their group/server online.
That guy definitely alted the vote so he could win.
by jtm5487 July 29, 2020
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