Trully the most controversial player in the NFL, but also happens to be the best wide receiver in the NFL. Has a long history of upsetting many players and fans. He now plays for the Dallas Cowboys after being banned from playing for the Philadelphia Eagles. Terrell Owens is a cocky *** son of a ***** , but you gotta love him.
Cowboy's Fan 1: Did you see Terrell Owens score that touchdown against Philadelphia and then flap his arms like an Eagle?
Cowboy's Fan 2: Yea man that was awesome. He showed them what's up.
by Andrew Big-D November 6, 2007
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Extremely handsome man that I super loyal and will always be there for you. Also is extremely good in the bed with giant meat.
“How is your boyfriend.”
OMG he is such a James Owen”
by Timbits13 February 6, 2020
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A civilised bromance game in which the contestants partake in a familiar game to Soggy Sayo, but in the place of a biscuit, a sleeping male is used. The rules are simple, a group of Male contestants will begin the game by standing in a circle around the sleeping victim. Each member of the circle will begin to stroke his member, the objective, don't be the last to blast! Whoever is the last to cum, he must eat the product of the game off wherever everyone's spackle landed along with giving the lucky lad who is sleeping a special present!
"Oi boys! Owen's conked out, lets get a game of Soggy Owen going!"
"10 bucks for all the lads who play Soggy Sayo up the sunny coast."
by P33nMachine69 February 24, 2020
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The act of giving a man a blowjob in a YMCA bathroom and then letting him cum all over your face while you rub his asshole.
“did you hear that blonde kid did a dirty owen

“yea he totally ate all that dudes cum”
by Dirtycumlicker May 19, 2023
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A Gay kiddo who loves adam risenberg
no u Owen W
by TIMOTHY C May 20, 2019
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