1) (adj/adv) a person who is very sneezy.
2) (n) a rock and roll cookie, much like a snickerdoodle but better.
3) (n) a variation of the game ookie cookie.
4) a snickerdoodle with pop rocks on top.
1) Tim is very snizzerdoodle-pop-rock today.
2) Hey, dude! Pass me a snizzerdoodle-pop-rock! Quit bogarting the snizzerdoodle-pop-rock!
3) a) get a snickerdoodle.
b) put on some Dragonforce.
c) gather sexually frustrated guys.
d) last person to spooge on cookie must eat the snizzerdoodle-pop-rock.
4) these snizzerdoodle-pop-rocks are amazing!
by DaRoostah July 11, 2008
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A derogatory term used when talking about new wave of Black Metal (namely American bands) remarking shift in lyrical themes from death and darkness to nature and loneliness, and improving the quality of production. Used mostly by Black Metal purists so they can distant themselves from people the consider "untrue".
Person 1: Been listening to some Black Metal recently?
Person 2: Yeah, found out Agalloch, and absolutely love them.
Person 1: Man, I asked you about Black Metal, not Forest Rock.
by chaseme2thesky December 14, 2014
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1. A type of cannabis

2. A misuse of the phrase dad rock to describe rock music older than 5 years old
Why are you listening to Ghost? They're dab rock
by nerd558 December 3, 2020
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Having sex on a Greyhound Bus; The opposite of the mile high club
Jack: How was the ride down?

Joe: It was awesome! I joined the Rock Bottom Club
by MontezumaPython December 15, 2016
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To express extreme passion towards another woman.
Wow! That girl at the bar is beautiful. I'm finna rock her shit!
by whiteoaktree January 13, 2020
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When you fuck her so hard she’s speechless.
“She wanted rough sex so I rocked her shit, and she was speechless.” “I’m going to rock her shit”
by Baddiew/afatty October 7, 2021
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When you listening to rock music and the dude on the aux changes the song
"I swear Shawn, if you Rock and Rick Roll me, I am beating yo ass."
by Vanilla Water November 7, 2017
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