An online chatting environment that has a considerably bad reputation.

The action to send something on MySpace via comment or message and even more recently bulletins have been used to converse.

A word usually used to describe someone who acts differently online than in person or whose personality embodies a MySpace feature.
"I'm going on MySpace."

T: "I left my math book at school, what was the homework?"
K: "I'll MySpace it to you."

"What a myspace whore!"
by tessa! December 5, 2007
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A pathetic excuse for a website. Constantly littered with "You just won a free hooker" pop-ups.

Myspace-A place for fucktards. (see fucktard)
by OdderPop November 17, 2008
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WHat was once a small community of people who could hang out and socialise but is now the domain of emo attention whores and pedophiles. If you ever attempt to tell any user of MySPace the truth of the site the response if them getting bitchy/slapping you in the face/ going "ZOMG WAHH! YOu MAKA FUN AMAH FEELEN!"/ IM EMO YOU BASTARD! //WRIST//
I touched little girls by abducting them from myspace then I cut my wrist!
by Erik Ehlert January 9, 2008
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having no life; referring to the site myspace.com created by the one and only TOM; causing pain and misery to everyone else; snooping.
I am myspacing SHANNY'S page to see whory pictures of her.
by CaRULERille September 20, 2006
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Videos or pics publishable on myspace and suitable for the general public (i.e. spouses, friends, family, children, acquaintances, etc.) to view without detriment to subjects of the material posted.
Dude, those pics of me at the strip-club are not myspaceable.
by beorotten April 1, 2008
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A place where you add every person who has shared a breathe of air with you, a real popularity test.



MYSPACE gals may look like the following;

"Heyy! Check out my MySpace! I have 150 friends!"
"Pshh, rather not get the side affects.
by anonymous gal/guy of the world November 4, 2008
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A website for insecure people. "A place for friends"....or more like "A place for people who need friends." It's a website where everyone adds anyone within a 879847 mile radius from them. It's a place for old men to creep up on little girls. Or for people to become "myspace pals" with somebody who is really 40 years older than you thought. Everyone reads everyone elses comments and checks everyone elses top friends. People who use this website tend to update their profile every week, because they have no life.
person 1: "omg! becky took me off her top friends!"

person 2: "omg really? are you still on her profile?"

person 1: "no...i think she hates me."

person 3: "wow guys...it's just myspace, chill."
by aprilsays April 2, 2009
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