hoe someone who would open their legs to anyone and suck any guys dick
ex: guadalupe is hoe she sucks everyone's dick and always leaves her legs open
by realniggggaaaa February 28, 2016
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the phenomenon that occurs when you look at a digital clock upside-down at 3:04. This exact time of day is referred to as "hoe."
student 1: dude, its hoe
student 2: hoe, sweet
student 3: HOE!!!!
teacher: HEY! KNOCK IT OFF!
by dkskd September 6, 2006
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a person who has sex with people that they don't know, don't have a close relationship with, or have just recently met them.
That girl is such a hoe; she had sex with that guy that she just met at the bar only ten minutes ago.
by Anonymous Whatever May 1, 2016
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1. A skank

2. A woman that is too loose in the booty.

3. Woman or man that fuck anything with two legs.

4. A promiscuous person.
The hoes are laughing
by aHoeWhoWillF^ckYou February 16, 2017
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A person who is down to fuck anyone.
Beware. he/she might have STD's.
Sally: Hey don't invite JT to your party hes a hoe-fosho.
by Chelly M. January 2, 2014
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