When using a program like photoshop on a laptop, your pink will fall asleep from pressing the control key with it and having the index finger on the click button. The only known remedy is to chew on it.
Damn, Carl, I was shooping that poster all night Thursday and I got Laptopper's Pinky.

Aw shit man did you chew on it?
by Kirstead April 11, 2010
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A Pinkie is a younger version of a "Twink".
Many times younger and too small to be a Twink.

Refering to the size and posture of the pinkie finger on your hand.
David is too young, he is a Pinkie
by Wettissue July 23, 2022
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God of the multiverses
Omg did you see Lord Pinkie?? They're Lord of the multiverses! I feel so privileged to have breathed the same air as them.
by pinkieisdead January 24, 2022
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Being a trumpet player and your right pinky is always sore from the oinky hook behind the valves.
Ouch, I can barely move my finger, I guess this is what I get for playing trumpet, trumpet pinky sucks. This trumpet sure is a brasshole.
by Swagbæ June 19, 2018
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A phalangeal movement of ones pinky pointed out wards with the remaining fingers balled into a fist, used to greet other swell fellows and honey dips alike.
i.e. Rambler 1: Hey Swell

Rambler 2: Yes Johnny

Rambler 1: That track was mad proper

*Both Parties initiate Proper Pinky*
by Porch Monk 187 January 4, 2015
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The act of deliberately telling a decent joke that would normally receive a simple ha or a small smile in order to test if a possible love interest is interested in you.
Word explanation
Before one is going in a bath he uses his pinky to check if the water is not too hot and safe to be sat in it. This act is called doing a pinky.
Rick: Yesterday I was doing a pinky on Emma.
Tom: And, did she laugh?
Rick: Yeah she was like ROFL-ing all over the place.
Tom: Dude, she totally wants the D man!
by CutNracker December 31, 2016
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The act of deliberately telling a decent joke that normally would receive a simple ha or a mild smile in order to test if a love interest is also interested in the one telling the joke.
Word explanation
Before one is getting in a bath he utilises his pinky to check if the water isn't too hot in order to safely take place in the bath. This act is called doing a pinky
John: I did a pinky yesterday on Emma
Top: And, did she laugh?
John: Yeah man she was Lolling all over the place!
Tom: Dude, she totally wants the D man.
John: I don't know tho, but I'm sure as hell doing a pinky again on her.
by CutNracker January 2, 2017
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