A very fat cat who lays on his ass on the floor and meows when he wants his dumbass treats
Sage: “Meow!”


Sage: “Meow!!!!!”

Mom: “I’m going to disown Sage the Fatass Cat”
by Jollikush Lawnmower July 25, 2018
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A mental instate piss rabbit who thinks he is a doctor also is gay accounting to a heterosexual bear
Stephan sage bunny Is the reason for global warming
by Ffionn fox is a weeb November 10, 2018
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the definition of someone who likes to have long poos in the toilet while reading books
'Hey, where is Alex"
"He is at the toilet"
"Oh dear, lets hope he's not being a Gemma Sage'
by hibiscus wrestler October 22, 2023
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a herb used by native americans in smudging rituals to remove negative energy. using white sage and/or the term smudging if you are not native american is incredibly disrespectful. it is commonly used wrongly in the witch community.
person 1: that witch uses white sage, how awful
person 2: ikr, don’t they know that it’s cultural apropriation!
by nastywitch January 31, 2021
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