A person (mom or dad) who has experienced an infertility journey before finally having their journey baby (a baby born after infertility)
Congratulations on your pregnancy, Journey Momma/Daddy!
by Journey Mama October 5, 2022
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the beauty of this insult is that it is a double entendre and it can be taken in two different ways. you could either tell your friends that they have "yo momma disease" or you could say that their mom is a disease.
Jack: dawg can i get some help over here
Aidan: yo momma disease (your mom a disease)
Jack: My mom's a disease
Aidan: no, yo momma disease.
Jack: :(
by yomommadisease April 30, 2020
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slang for a deceitful and disingenuous old woman can be used as just doi
generally lacks any boundaries and loves to make someone else's business their own
She is such a Momma Doi
by iampoor September 15, 2023
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Where the baby momma refuses to let the dad interfere with his child’s life regardless of custody agreements, and then complains to social media and friends that the baby’s dad “ain’t shit” and that she’s all alone as a parent.
I keep trying to get more time with my son but Amber has a baby momma complex and thinks I’m the worst.
by MasqueradeQueen April 21, 2020
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When you own many fajitas over a long period of time.
Wow your such a fajita momma
by Jalove011104 November 26, 2016
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A super mom. A mom that is extremely overprotective, if you mess with her kids you better watch out.
Everyone loves momma Karen, she’s so entertaining!!
by Thicckitkat January 1, 2018
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An amazing person that is gifted with a beautiful open and welcome heart. Makes others feel special and is always laughing. Someone one of a kind.
Go see Momma Toie.
by Macho333 December 9, 2021
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