The advocacy for Better rights for females but not for males. (Previous Definition) The Advocacy for equal rights for both sexes.
Most people do not like/discourage Modern Feminism due to the fact that it promotes unhealthy standards for both sexes.
by AnUnknownHealer November 2, 2023
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The act of hates men but loves women
He Supports feminism
by 459395 March 12, 2022
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Feminism is standing up for equality between Man, and Woman- NOT Women over Men
Why we have Feminism?

Women didn’t get the right to vote until 1918, that means it took over 70 years for them to let women vote

Women weren’t allowed to attend school until 1858, school was made in 1600 B.C.
by indyyyyy November 2, 2022
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A word that scares a lot of people but basically just means the concept of equal rights between women and men.
Person A: “Feminism is stupid

Person B: “.. the fuck?”
by pornesianparrapio November 10, 2021
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the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes
Feminism means that both sexes are equal
Both males and females are equal
by KatherineMf April 12, 2017
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The cancer of the 21th century.
Normal person: I hate feminism
Typical feminist: NoOoOoO YoU aRe A MiZoGtNiSt NoOoOoO
by Just a troll June 19, 2024
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Feminism is not anything that people around here said. First and last, Feminism is a a noun that comprehend ideas and beliefs about women and men having the same rights within academia, politics or just your home.
Feminism has come to stay. Even if you do not like it.
by paparadap October 23, 2018
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