Paul Hoffman is a former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parksas well as the former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Capital, Performance, and Partnerships in 2008. He worked under Dick Cheney in the Bush Administration.

He has been mentioned in the media as: "Destroying the National Parks" in the New York Times in an editorials in August 29, 2005, as well as: "Who's Ruining Our National Parks?" in an article in Vanity Fair in June 7, 2006.

Not many peoepl outside of the sphere of the national parks know him or anything about him at all. He has been demonized in some spheres as being the worst thing to have happened to national parks. While not all of what is said out there is accurate it by no means alleviates him of anything.

He is a prideful and arrogant person. He is full of himself and gloats over his vast knowledge. He is very hung up over the past and despite being retired, still participates in the worthless squabble that is local politics in an effort to feel big and important. He currently runs his own blog called "Talk It Up America" in which he still shouts his political opinion for the handful of people that will listen.
Paul D. Hoffman can be compared to Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite. Very hung up over his past acheivments and accomplishments. He surrounds himself with cut outs, photos, pictures and other things to remind him of his past and act as a sort of Paul Hoffman museum to the glory that is himself.
by flaming democrat February 1, 2011
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A pejorative for Initial D fans, who believe they can be like Takumi Fujiwara only for reality check to kick in when those weeaboos lose to a slow Honda as their 1983 shitbox of a Toyota Corolla can't keep up before its engine gets blown. Not to mention that they believe that listening to Eurobeat makes them "drive faster" only to crash into a guardrail and end up six-feet under with their deceased grandmother.
Ron: Ayo, I can beat a Skyline with the AE86 because I'm a fan of Initial D.
Luke: Dude, do you realize that Toyota's underpowered, right?
Ron: Whaat?! I'll show you while I blast "Deja Vu" and whoop your sorry-ass Civic!
*Cue his car losing control*
Ron: OH SHI- *Car gets totaled, explodes and Ron dies*
Luke: I told you that you're such an Incel D fan.
by Cody D. Buni December 9, 2022
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me : Hey have you heard Suckin For Lean by CHILLI D!CK?

friend: no
me : kills friend
by CHILLI D!CK May 25, 2022
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Mary is a very pretty and smart girl. She's usually very tall but her height is amazing. Everyone wants to be her and the boys are all in love with her. She is polite but will kill you if you do something wrong. But either way she loves all her friends and would do anything for them
Person 1: Who is that she's really tall and pretty
Person 2: Oh thats just Mary D
Person 3: I wish I wear Mary D

Person 1 and 2: Saammmeee
by heyyyyyyyboo February 2, 2021
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meaning either a woman's vagina or a man's penis. D=dick
commonly used between girls to throw off men when the man wants the golden D.
Oh my god Christina, he wants the golden D SO bad!!!!
by rozy <3 March 26, 2011
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A guy who is bald and sucks on male genitalia.
Man do you see that Corey D. Alvey? He's happier than a queer with a bag full o' dicks.
by appledocky February 5, 2010
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When you get an intense form of obliterating Anal sex
Dude I got d-rodded so hard last night I can’t even walk straight
by Bend0ver. June 25, 2021
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