Lighting your hand on fire then punching someone with as much power as possible
“Did you hear Justin got send to the hospital with third degree burns and a concussion

“Yeah he got Falcon Punched”
by Toadman27 February 22, 2022
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When the male is fingering or 'poking' the female he inserts both his thumb and index finger and reaches for the top of the cave of the Womb, Pinches with both fingers pulls down as far as he can and lets the skin ping right back up again. - Bleeding is Inevitable.
Falcon Punch
by HardcoreGreenArmy April 26, 2010
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The most powerful punch that is used by Captain Falcon in super smash bros.
Guy 1: Hah! I beat you in a-
Guy 1: Dude why did you break my ribs. Ouch.
by speedestboy November 1, 2023
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A cocktail invented in western Canada. It consists of all the beverages, alcoholic and non alcoholic, that were consumed at a party that are then mixed into a very large cup (the original is consumed out of a giant ceramic red solo cup). The fun part about this is its different for every party you go to
"I'm already wasted, this falcon punch is gonna do me in for the night."
by Nutty Wes July 4, 2015
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the sexual act of shoving one fist up a girls vagina and the other in her asshole simultaneously while yelling "FALCON PUNNCHH!"
Anna- Omg Steven used the Falcon Punch on me last night
Emily- Ohhh how was it??
Anna- It ripped my uterus wall to shreds and destroyed my small intestine but I squirted all over the walls!
by the real boy11 July 2, 2015
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