The person that delivers a presentation and it's all about them rather than the subject expected. They talk about themselves, their background, what they have done, what they do, or their successes. They miss the point and don't leave anyone with anything useful. Instead they are needy and seeking attention, affirmation, or positive feedback.
They just spoke about themselves, and nothing else on topic, they were such an attention speaker!
by Jamesy Wamsey September 6, 2023
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An adjective used to describe a person performing a pathetic act that is purely done in order to gain attention. The people that attention whore are typically lowlifes, who use sites such as Youtube as their whoring grounds.
''Jimmy posted a comment on Youtube saying that his dog had died. What an attention-whoring douchebag.''
''Tifanny intentionally dropped a tampon in class like the attention-whoring slut she is.''
''It's sad that you tried to commit suicide, but this is Youtube. Get your attention-whoring ass out of here!''
by mkpk May 31, 2018
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Someone that hates being alone or unnoticed/invisible.
The attention seeking girl had convinced numerous people in town (especially authority figures such as police, her mother, or peers that she could benefit from) that they needed her around, so they continued to protect her without really knowing why. They had lives to get back to, since not everything was about her all the time.
by The Original Agahnim June 7, 2021
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Someone who has too much time on their hands so they decide to talk about them or do dumb shit to get people to look at them or talk about them, usually named Kiever, typically with 0-2 friends. They are willing to do everything for attention, like ruin friendships, spread rumors, start tantrums, post depressing Instagram stories and Tiktoks, etc.

These attention seekers are normally fat, hoeless, hideous, antisocial fatherless children.
Person 1: Kiever is soy annoying, he always wants to start problems.
Person 2: Ikr, he's always Attention seeking.
by Loco9888 November 28, 2021
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A self-conscious woman constantly seeking validation from others in failed attempts to increase self-esteem in herself. Most common found in nightclubs and bars. Mostly, but not entirely, under the influence or drugs and/or alcohol.
That woman is a huge attention gremlin.
by bbbarbiedoll73 May 2, 2020
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It takes warming up, to not be WORDY!!!!
Simply put another form of CHARLIE'S best song is UU JUST WONT ATTENTION as we SURE DO as could not agree with you MORE and I am sure there is similar sentiment (as that is what we are here for) . UU (BITCH) JUST(FUCK JUSTICE) WONT (UU VULGAR FUCKS DICKS CUNTS,,,,) ATTENTION (TRUMP'S YELLING HOLLER OF PEACE) OH YES PH US FAGG0T'S TOO TO TW0 TU TU ,WE ARE A PLACEHOLDER.....ON EARTH AND YOU CAN SAY CHARLIE AGAIN , " UU JUST WONT ATTENTION.

UU JUST WONT ATTENTION but the only thing it is "AWARENESS".

Which AI wins " UU JUST WONT ATTENTION" and have to admit , ATTENTION is an incredible song and great SONGWRITING like that will keep the fires burning, they might say " and the smoke shall rise again"....BUBBLE PUPPY....MY FEMINIST ZOMBIES

by NOBLE PEACE SUNDER EEE February 21, 2022