A medium sized city where old people often move to and live out the remainder parts of their lives before they die.
by donfire June 18, 2008
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The only actor in the history of mankind that people never make fun of.
Did you see george clooney in oceans 11 it was off the shizzle fo hizzle.
by bob November 26, 2003
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A great visionary storyteller, and the man who created Star Wars. Lately, he's been too influenced by the money and the technology involved in filmmaking, rather than the story of the prequels. That's why the new movies suffer.
I think of him as Darth Lucas.
by bigtones October 7, 2004
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Is a former Navy Commander and later an American Politician who fought in the 2nd World War and after doing his research as he had claimed (I’m not confirming it denying) that the United States was under the Jewish influence in and he was discharged for his political views which Replicated the ideals of National Socialism and formed the American Nazi Party ANP and lead his life making speeches at collages and spreading the ideals, he was eventually assassinated in August 25, 1967 by a Former member while leaving a laundromat in Arlington, Virginia was shot by John Patler and was pronounced dead in scene.
Guy: “George Rockwell was Evil”
Other Based Gentlemen: “I call Bullshit
by Xilaphon237 March 2, 2021
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The inability to breathe due to meth overdose.
Dudes Od'ed on meth! He's George Floyding! Quick! Put a knee on his neck!
by MikeDCunt May 25, 2023
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That one kid from Elmhurst that somehow everyone knows. George is known for being the goodest boy. George warms everyone's heart with how good he is.
"Do you know george kekos?"
"Yeah I love that boy!"
by Joetheweasel November 10, 2021
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George Salazar is an amazing adorable human being. He is most famous for his role in Be More Chill but he has been in Percy Jackson And The Lightning Theif and in Pasadena Playhouse's production of Little Shop Of Horrors
1: Did you see George Salazar's performance on The Late Late Show last night?
2: Yeah! It was so great!
by Aexcavliibiderthe eater kid October 8, 2019
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