A man who has such a microscopic penis that Asian men mistake it for a grain of rice
Wing Wong Says: Mhhh that grain of rice looks like Ashton's Penis
by hhhheeeheheh July 25, 2022
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Ashton is an amazing person whom people love. He won't tell people your secrets and he really loves cats. Ashton is gay, loves his friends and will protect everything he loves. He's an amazing person
Yo is that Ashton?

No it's my best friend
by Xonny November 25, 2021
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Having sex with a hot milf, while secretley pretending it's Ashton Kutcher, everyone's favourite man crush.
Person 1: Dude, I totally fucked your mummy last night in her gaping wizard sleeve.

Person 2: That's superawesomedisgusting

Person 1: It's cool though, I was performing an Ashton Fuckcher at Grade 8 level.

Person 2: Oh, I'll join in next time then.
by WaxCrayon February 24, 2011
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