Another name for a 2 litre bottle of cider. Seems to have originated in Northern Ireland. Usually drunk by underage drinkers who can't afford anything else to drink.
I managed to scrounge £2 of my ma for a bark buster tonight. I'm gonna drink myself unconscious.
by Whowantspeas November 4, 2018
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When a body part other than your anus or vagina makes a fart sound. Not to be confused with queef or burp
(noun) Did you hear Brad's belly let out a clam bark when he was doing burpees?
(verb) Ted is really good at clam barking with his armpit.
by SlyFox August 1, 2014
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"Barking" someone is a harmless prank created around May 11th, 2021. The prank consists of a random video thats usually around the length of 3-10 seconds, and at the end, theres usually "bark glasses" on the main character(s)/item(s) in the video. Lexi, the creator of the Objectify mod, started this joke. Nobody knows how and why it's so fucking funny, but it is.
*sends video of obama*
Person 2: no very funny
by HelloHimemememem May 12, 2021
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To pee so hard you could take the bark off of a tree
When I was young, I could piss the bark off a tree.”
by CharlieAlpha November 13, 2022
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When a dachshund fucks you up the ass with his snout and then you shit out your dick.
Dude last night was crazy. I was in bed and all the sudden my dog just started giving me a death bark. It hurt like a bitch.
by asslicker22 October 1, 2010
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When L threaten’s K for simply anything and proceeds to do nothing or the bare minimum to ‘get back’ at him.
L: “ I want all of you to remember that krische is in his warm ass bed sleeping right now. And he will pay.”

K: “This grub looking ass always threatening to get back at me but is all bark no bite.”
by Krische-Kringle January 24, 2022
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Dillon Talks alot of shit but landed a total of 9 punches. hes All bark no bite
by BizmoF October 14, 2023
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