Solidus Snake is the main antagonist in the ps2 video game called Metal Gear Solid 2:Sons of Liberty unknown to both Solid Snake and Liquid snake he is the third snake. A survivor from the Les Enfants Terribles back in 1972. Unlike Liquid and Solid only have only one part of Big Bosses DNA(recessives or dominate genes) Solidus has a perfect balance. But the Patriots aged him so much so he can look like Big Boss and they entrusted him the presidency.

Four year since the "Shadow Moses" incident he wants his revenge agsinst the Patriots who used him like a puppet. He has to fight against his clone brother Solid Snake and his adopted Son Raiden.

He wears a exo-suit that enhances his muscles and speed. The glides across and leaves a trail of fire. Solidus used a P90 sub-machine gun and also used a daisho (Katana and Wakizashi set); the "Minshuto" (Democrat) and "Kyowato" (Republican) blades. . He lost his left eye fighting his brother and son.

At the end of the game he was Killed by his son Raiden. He wanted to be free and leave his own mark in human history but the Patriots will make sure that will never happen.
"so you're the boss around here"-Raiden
"no not just around here I'm the boss to surpass Big Boss himself Solid Snake"-Solidus Snake
" No that is NOT solid snake"-Solid Snake
"what a pleasant surprise-brother"-Solidus
"Save it you're no brother of mine"-Snake
"don't say you've forgotten me-Snake"-Solidus

"Brother I'm a whole different game from Liquid"-Solidus

"that the best you can do Snake?"-Solidus

"The world needs only one Big Boss"-Solidus

"I'll drown you fools for interfering"-Solidus

"BURN BABY! "-Solidus

"ill let you go out in style"-Solidus
by Emran Ismail August 13, 2010
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When you're about to infiltrate a girl and you're hard as a rock.
Solid Snake: "I'm going in dry!"
by Dark Night Enforcer January 28, 2015
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Of or pertaining to a Scotman's genitilia. Specifically used if the said Scotsman is generously hung.
One who is particularly hung and Scottish can also be referred to as a Scottish Snake.
"Good Lord! Look at Sean Connery's Scottish Snake!"
"Sean Connery is a Scottish Snake!"
by DeadEndFriend July 18, 2003
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noun; the resulting soft serve butthole burning poo after eating spicy chili verde mac-n-cheese.
I need some baby wipes. That shit we ate yesterday gave me gnarly hot snakes.
by Hookerbooker May 28, 2018
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A fictional character based on a United States military special operative. He was originally seen in the 'Metal Gear' video game series of the 1980s.
Solid Snake is an excellent soldier.
by Nicolaivich January 19, 2004
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Bowel movement that has warm and runny consistency similar to lava and composition that resembles the snakes of Medusa's hair.
Michael finished the Tai food and knew he would be battling the lava snakes for the next day or two.
by tehsnakecharmer May 17, 2017
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When two males participate in the act of gay sex discreetly, like when a snake hides in the grass. Thus, "being a snake in the grass" but also "Taking" it up the ass.
I heard noises last night. I couldn't see them, but I could hear them. I think the neighbours were "Snaking and Taking"
by Michael James Dean May 15, 2019
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