Trolling twitter timelines to find some vague tweet you can twist the words of so as to become hysterically offended.
She went completely twisterical over a minor political tweet by the president
by Matisse1234 April 17, 2017
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When you take a man’s Flaccid penis and you clip it onto a woman’s nipple and they both spin in opposite directions until someone bleeds
I met this freaky bitch and she wanted to do the Ty-Twister With me but I told her she would have to wait at least two weeks because there’s still a scab on my dickhead that’s not fully healed from the last time I did it
by The sleeping hitchhiker September 8, 2021
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This is a Unique various of the ever popular "shocker" it involves a counter clock wise rotiation of the wrist join so as to surpise your lady friend. Also helps if u yell it out just before you are about to preform said task.
u say hey baby u want the W.T. then shes says "whats the W.T" then at the top of your lunges....u yell out "WRISTER-TWISTER" then dive into the DANGER ZONE!!
by k-money Kuzma June 18, 2006
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When having a really bad day and it’s just like a twister on Tuesday
Man I dropped my cereal, my day really just turned my day into a twister on Tuesday
by DJohnson1889 February 12, 2019
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A mythical position where two homosexual men are simultaneously pitching and catching at the same time.
"I've seen DVDA once but I've only ever heard of the san francisco twister."
by Professor Chomp April 2, 2018
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The Iron twister is when your girl needs to be punished. First you take any metal dust or shavings in a workshop and super glue them to a condom. Then put it on and stick your dick in her pussy and twist it so it really teaches her to stop texting your best friend " accidental nudes"
I Iron twister my girl that'll teach her.
by Bigbrainbrad69 January 18, 2021
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the act of playing twister while you and your male friend are completely rock hard and making sure you donjt enter eachothers ass
person 1: yo me and my boy played stiff twister last night
person 2: how did it go?
person 1: it was a pain in the ass
person 2: i bet how many times di you enter each other
person 1: to many to count
by GoldenFerret21 May 22, 2023
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