guy 1: Your mom!
guy 2: She's your mom,too!!!!!!!!!
by kuree December 14, 2005
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The overused comeback or answer for pretty much anything. Even if its overused, sometimes, when used correctly, it can still be funny.
Dude #1: Look at the cute kittycat!
Dude #2: Your Moms a cute kittycat.
by Concita May 3, 2006
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Probably one of the most overused comebacks ever, and anyone who uses it is a douchebag.
by random person =) October 28, 2008
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The most overly used word. EVER.
Jim- Hey! where is that plate?
Jerry- Your Mom!
by your moms a plate! April 2, 2010
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1. The female who gave birth to you.
2. A comeback when you can't think of anything else to say.
"Dude.. your mom sucks."
"Yo. How's your mom doing?"

by Your mom. November 3, 2003
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During an argument, one can use Your Mom! to turn the tide in his/her favor. Used only when you know that you can't possibly win the fight with an actual reply. Also note that your oppenent can cancel Your Mom by repeating it after you.
Todd:...And that's why I'm right, Chris.
Chris: Yeah...but...your mom! Oh! It's on!
Todd: Oh yeah? Your mom too! Burn!
Chris: What? No, you can't do that! NOOOO!
by SgtSalad November 6, 2005
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Said when one has nothing else to say, or in reply to the questions "What are you doing?" And "What do you want to do?"
"Shut the F#$@ up Phil"
"Yeah, well, uh, YOUR MOM!"
by The Masked Olive Eater February 2, 2003
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