*plays amogus*
"ITS PINK!? I THOUGHT PINK WAS SAFE!! damn i got trust issues now..."
by WHOISTHIS_E January 26, 2023
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what someone tells you to do so they can make you fall and die for revenge.
guy 1- hey! trust fall!
guy 2- ok
by tyranospider April 14, 2022
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A trust whore is someone who gives out their trust and kindness for free. it's kind of like a regular whore but you don't see it as an easy first time, you see it as a person you can easily manipulate. so, be careful with who you befriend. you could end up a trust whore.

shortened version is "trore".
Person 1: I can't believe you're dating Person 3 for the fifth time, you know they manipulated you and stabbed you in the back for Person 4!
Person 2: I know they did, but I know what I'm doing. so back off. I don't care if they manipulate me for person 4, I trust them!

person 2 is a trust whore. I know who you are. but I'm not letting you know.
by OnyxLagger June 3, 2023
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these bitches
don’t trust one😂💯.
by Mpmstandup January 4, 2022
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The man, the myth, the legend, this person known as "in God we trust" or shorter."God" is truly the greatest as he is a true genius he is able to do anything he wishes he is someone everyone loves so to be called "In God we trust" is a way to call someone the greatest at everything
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Holy shit, it's like watching Jesus get flogged! That was brutal! That whole debate was just brutal!
Hym "Except I don't think I'd actually laugh at the sight of Jesus getting flogged. I might masterbate though, bah dum ts! Sad wank for Jesus! Why I don't trust the bible? More like 'why you don't want the sauce!' Got this nigga lookin like he never even SEEN a book!"
by Hym Iam June 19, 2024
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