short for script kiddie
a skid is usually between ages of 13 - 17 and is unskilled individual and has little to none knowledge in cyber-security and uses publicly available software to hack

it can also be someone who "makes programs" but really just copy and pastes from stack overflow and github and has no idea of what there doing
person 1: i heard david is a game developer
person2: no david just copy and pastes from forums, hes just a skid
by lynxWasHere March 21, 2022
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short for script kiddie
a skid is usually between ages of 13 - 17 and is unskilled individual and has little to none knowledge in cyber-security and uses publicly available software to hack

it can also be someone who "makes programs" but really just copy and pastes from stack overflow and github and has no idea of what there doing
person 1: i heard david is a game developer
person2: no david just copy and pastes from forums, hes just a skid
by lynxWasHere March 21, 2022
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cavaties is skid
by ur mom 28482 October 8, 2021
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Script kid, a kid who thinks he is a programmer by editing basic stuff in other people codes/ using other people code and saying he made it.
It's also used by jealous people who can't code.
Term most likely used on roblox when there is an exploiter.
Example 1:
A: is an actual programmer who made the script he is using himself
Example 2:
A: claims other people scripts as his own
B: what a skid
by Nigga spongebob April 11, 2019
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A kid who thinks they are better, that ask there friends for help cause they can't do nothing. Names common to skids are vengeance.
That kid is a skid. Vengeance get a life , you skid.
by WeAreHcMz September 25, 2016
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A man named Aiden Atkinson (ISP)
Protect ISP is a flabby skid.
by SkidDefinition November 17, 2022
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Skid is a person who makes their own scripts. S stands for the person who scripts. Kid stands for anyone of the person who makes the scripts.

Skid user is someone who is handicap of making their own scripts and rely on a SKID who makes their own scripts or normally a skid user waits for someone too make premade scripts.
Oh hey look at that skid over there he knows his coding.
by SubscribeToJoeyIVV February 3, 2021
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