The most hated NFL team because there to good. Many people will find some reason to bitch about them no matter how far they have to go.
Person 1 : I hate the patriots
Person2 : bro just cause the falcons choked smh
by THE TRUTH T February 2, 2019
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A derogatory term used to describe a trump supporter
Those stupid patriots can't read or write SMH.
by internetsavage December 18, 2021
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Bistamais: Eu kur esi
Patriots: kropli
by niksdeiniskaravirs October 31, 2019
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a white male American who's 22 and didn't go to college and now realizes he's stuck with Betty from his hometown. And Betty's cool, but she weighs 300 lbs. so the sex is just terrible. I mean it's like you're on a whaling expedition diving deep into the vast unknown of her ass and thighs every time she's "in the mood". and it sucks so bad you're angry enough to overthrow the United States government.
Johnny thought he was a patriot. Turns out he was just mad about his fat wife.
by summer_ass_cheese August 12, 2022
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1. a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors (International)
2. a terrorist (United States Modern)
"I am a true American patriot" - idk probably Jake Angeli
by Cassette_Tayp September 9, 2021
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The best team to ever play the game of football led by Tom brady and Julian Edelman
Patriots are the best
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somebody with the passion and heart of a social justice warrior but more intellect and actually pays attention to what's going on. Debates with integrity. Is aware of thier own biases and able to put them aside and listen to alternative points of view.
the rise of social justice warriors led to the rise of social justice Patriots like Jordan Peterson.
by Action Jackson III January 4, 2019
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