Sticking your tongue in a bloody Vagina, usually when the girl is on her period.
I chicken tongued my girlfriend so hard last night.

"Babe I wanna go to he bed room." "If you're thinking chicken tongue, forget about it."
by _mason_hall March 1, 2016
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An expression meant make others feel excluded on an inside joke.
Person 1, "Try the chicken"
Person 2, "Ha"
Person 3, "I don't get it!"
by ComatosePhill June 7, 2011
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when a chicken gets nasty it goes KUNG POW ON OUR ASSES AND OPENS UP 10 CANS OF WHOOP-ASS!!!!
by EAT_THE_FUNKY_CHICKEN_plz December 18, 2004
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An accidental theoretical construct in the brain of someone who is not paying full attention to the conversation.
Dude 1: I was in O'Neills last night and there was this gorgeous Irish chick in there.

Dude 2: What's an Irish chicken?
by Mr. Cardboard November 8, 2011
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The act of dipping your testicles in sweet and sour sauce then proceeding to have anal sex with your partner from behind until all the sauce has been slapped off of your balls and into their vagina.
Jodie caught an infection from when I was soggy chicken balling her last week.
by Curly smurf April 4, 2018
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Last night while I was banging my girlfriend I pulled out and blew my wad in her armpit. When she asked what the hell I was doing I told her I was "Glazin' the chicken wing"
by J-J-JEW-UNIT April 14, 2009
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