Albert is a unicorn. A wildly unpredictable glorious unicorn full of life, energy, and kawaii af. They can be your best friend, help guide you through the difficulties of living on this plane. On the other hand, will absolutely impale you with their rainbow horn and happily bath in your blood if you hurt them or their friends. Albert is and always will be loyal to a fault, have a major case of "disease to please", and loves to see their friends and associates thrive and grow.
Damn, that dude is as loyal as an Albert.
by Sir Winston Puppypotamus November 23, 2021
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Albert belongs to lizi
by Assxrack April 24, 2022
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The universally correct response to any situation or comeback with anyone that disrespects or ignores you. You can also use this to start a conversation or end one. It's appropriately convenient for people that want to be part of a conversation in a group chat but don't know what to say.
Karl tolentino asked: Asan na Akarin GF ko?
Roehan replies: Albert Beldad
by Michael Yumizuri November 19, 2021
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To repeat something someone had just said like the great Albert Einstein
He's pulling a Albert repeating a joke I just told
by 1234abd October 14, 2023
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1) Poop on plate
2) Stick poopy plate in freezer
3) Wait several hours
4) Put frozen poop back in poop shoot
5) Poop out frozen poop on partner
6) Repeat

Endless fun
Cold alberts are great fun for the family
by Cold albie April 1, 2013
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A very small person that has very small hands, dick and anus. You can spot a max Albert by there grumpy attitude, shity music tastes, slightly curly hair, and runy poop.
He is a max Albert. I can tell by his shity music taste.
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a mutant rat that skateboards with a broken foot.
Person 1: what does Albert The Rat mean?
Person 2: Albert The Rat means Rodent and ret
by AlfredoTheRAt March 10, 2021
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