Most girls with the name Vivian are usually very attractive. Vivian is beautiful. She has so many wonderful characteristics: beautiful smile, sexy body, and an amazing personality. Vivian can make people laugh and is always fun to be around. Vivian is a very nice girl, but can be very bad (wink)
Vivian is known to be wild in bed. Vivian gets the attention of many boys because she is so amazing.
she is so fineee, beautiful, amazing, and she looks wild, she must be a Vivian
by user could not be identified January 27, 2011
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Viviane is a girl which you will not regret meeting. She is lovely, exciting, sportive and game for anything. She is adventurous and kisses better than any girl you will ever kiss.
She is smart but sexy. She is everything could ever want.
Man, I wish I could date Viviane; she is more than I ever dreamed of.
by chadman April 19, 2012
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Vivian: means alive
Me: hi I’m Vivian
by Ima floofy cat December 6, 2021
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An amazing girl who is damn fine.

She's really good in bed (;
Everyone loves her,and so will you!
Everyone wishes they could be as cool and hot as her,but in reality no one will ever be.
Damn who is that girl walking with that big ba donk a donk.
Oh It's Vivian, Obviiii bro.
by starkobrooooo April 4, 2011
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A really hot viet girl that is liked by all the guys
Damn look at that ass! SHE SO HOT. She must be Vivian!
by Poopy Mcpoopyson November 11, 2008
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