Sweetgirl: He didn't cuddle me afterwards!!
Toughbitch: Oh, yeah, tragic. *rolls eyes*
by Anonymous July 15, 2003
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Something that is so tragic yet hilarious at the same time.
Tim is such a hot mess but I still cant help myself from laughing, it is just tragical!
by leastar February 27, 2009
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Relating to or characteristic of dramatic tragedy or tragedies: tragic plays; the tragic hero.
Shakesphere made most of is plays very tragic..

Yo romeo.. Your hoes dead.. Well fuckbeans thats tragic.. *le sigh*
by EvilToasterPastry August 1, 2003
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What Paramount is trying to pass off as Star Trek these days.
See also: Star Trek fans who will gobble up anything Paramount shits in their mouths and not only begs for more, but defends it like a wife would her abusve husband.
by Doc Evil July 26, 2003
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The nation mourned the tragic events of this morning when an elderly man lost control of his vehicle and drove through a farmer's market.
by The Alpha and The Omega August 3, 2003
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Something really bad, such as one dying.
The story of the little girl being hit by the 18 wheeler was a tragic story.
by WhiteGirlWithaGHETTOazz August 1, 2003
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