a phrase of comedic/ sincere expression used to describe events of optionable situations
"pff, yea gimme an acid infection?, No Thanks!"
by .Marcus June 26, 2006
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Term that applies when one hastily responds to a thanks with a thank you turning an otherwise pleasant conversation into an awkward one.
Debbie the cashier: Seventy-five cents is your change, come back soon thanks.

You: Thank you!

Thanks, Thank You
by Scoot McGoot December 10, 2009
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A sarcastic word to describe something lame but act like it’s nice
by thatweirdchicken October 3, 2020
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a thanks is a synonym with penis, vagina, sex, b*tch, f@ck, @$$h0le, etc.
i'm glad i don't have a thanks.
by mnbvcxz.zxcvbnm-1497 December 28, 2011
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"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" can be defined as when Mr. Ben Phillips has had enough of everyone being loud and a GaY CuNt
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" is defined as:
Ben Phillips walks in - the class is talking

"Thank you" x1 - Shut up
"Thank you" x2 - Shut the f*ck up
"Thank you" x3 - Shut the f*ck up or i'll throw you out the f*cking star jasmine
"Thank you" x4 - Ben Phillips proceed's to throw some arrogant sl*t out the f*cking star jasmine
by Ben take it up Phillips August 20, 2019
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Mostly said by fans of Fall Out Boy after when Patrick couldn't reach the mic, Pete Wentz attempted to lift him up to it
Patrick: Er, and thanks to this mic stand for being really tall
Pete: *Lifts Patrick up*
Patrick: Thanks Pete
Since then, Fall Out Boy fans will randomly blurt out THANKS PETE or instead of just saying thanks. Now thank Pete for this definition
Friend: *opens door for me to walk through*
Me: *walks through* Thanks Pete!
Friend: dafuq
by mcr-and-fob-fangirl May 5, 2015
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