what else
oogly boogly
by andy kwon November 18, 2003
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A bodily feeling generated by being very high and very drunk simultaneously
'I've got the oogly boogly's like a mufucka.'
by MackDeezNuts December 24, 2006
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When your friend goes boss eyed after drinking too much, usually vodka or any other spirits
The ooglie googlie also comes with other side effects like silly behaviour & verbal insults to other people's mums etc..
Usually the best way to deal with the ooglie googlie is to show them the door...but be aware they will resist
Carey; dude did you see antony last night he was "ooglie Googlie"
Rick; yeah dude his eyes were all over the place
Carey; what was he on?
Rick; vodka and cheese apparently
by Mudhoney 18 July 28, 2023
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When you see in someone's eyes they have turned
Anthony hallmark
Instantly arrogant...flamboyant with their views & ego....like to wind you up....either guide them to bed or punch them
Dave: you see that guy last night....he was ooglie googlie
Steve; oh yeah i remember that ooglie googlie prick, he was drunk on vodka...obnoxious cunt...i wanted to punch him
by Mudhoney 18 July 27, 2023
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an oogly hippos name is probably quincy
my name is quincy and im a oogly depressed hippo
by oogly hippo September 3, 2020
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